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4 Myths of Sun Protection and the Truth Behind Them

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2021
InHer Beauty Aesthetics
4 Myths of Sun Protection and the Truth Behind Them

We all find ourselves at some point assessing the aging process of our skin. Did you know a major factor in the aging process is sun exposure?


Here are some frequent myths of Sunscreen and the key points to master the art of sun protection.

 Myth: "I wear sunscreen every day. It's in my makeup."
Truth: You must re-apply sunscreen if you are under direct sunlight. Not all sunscreens are created equal. Your body metabolizes and absorbs your sunscreen like a sponge with heat and exposure. Please keep in mind this is not a one-time process and you should always get in the habit of reapplication. 

"I read sunscreen can be toxic for me."
The best protection is to have a Full Spectrum block by using sunscreens with Zinc & Titanium as your active ingredients. These natural ingredients will protect you with a physical block between all sun rays. 

Myth: "I am proud to say I wear 50+ SPF daily."   
Truth: SPF is a small factor in the scheme
of things when coming to protection. Reapplication is key to preventing those UVA & UVB rays from penetrating the skin.

"I am an indoors kind of person. I don't go out much."
We get more sun in our life driving in our car than we do on vacation. Think about it: if your morning work commute is 20 minutes, you will want to double that and multiply it by 5 times a week. That's 200 minutes in the car soaking up sun exposure.  And this does not include lunchtime or weekend, driving around running errands. 

Here's the bottom line: There are a couple of UV rays you need to consider. UVA & UVB rays.

 Most sunscreens that are over the counter will only protect you from burning. And that's only if you reapply frequently.

UVA rays (A = "aging rays") are protected by a physical block with active ingredients such as Zinc & Titanium.
UVB rays (B = "burning rays") will protect your skin from burning. So in order to really have a safe and organic way of protecting your skin, your sunscreen should have Zinc and/or Titanium in its first active ingredients. 

In addition, you should be reapplying your sunscreen every hour ( I know this sounds crazy) but yes every hour while in the sun and heat. SPF takes a backseat when it comes to rating which sunscreen to use and how long. 

Consider this: some take time and effort in applying primers and make-up. The same effort should be taken into sunscreen. Trust me, your glam days will only look much better with healthy glowing skin.
I hope you find this information useful - and you may have had a few lightbulb moments in there. If you would like to learn more about how to protect and nurture your skin and how to maintain a youthful look for decades, then check out my new course - Aging Gracefully With Aesthetics.

Have a Wonderful Day!


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