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Exciting Facts About Fibroblasting

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2021
InHer Beauty Aesthetics
Exciting Facts About Fibroblasting
Have you ever wondered if you could only turn back time on your skin aging process and have the skin you had several years ago? You know... Tighter, firmer, less saggy, fewer wrinkles. Maybe less brown spots or skin tags...?

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite nonsurgical procedures: Fibroblasting.

Fibroblasting is electrical energy that is placed onto the surface of the skin. In return, it will stimulate the fibroblasts of the skin to tighten and lift areas of the body. It's an excellent solution to fine lines and wrinkles. 

Who is Fibroblasting for?

Fibroblasting can be your next best Aesthetics friend if you are facing any of these issues:

  • Static lines on the face (lines that are there at rest.)

  • "Creppy" skin texture 

  • Fine lines

  • Discoloration 

  • Sagging skin 

  • Skin tags 

So how does it work and what results can you expect?

There is some instant gratification that happens immediately after treatment. However, the majority of the rejuvenation happens within the 12-week regeneration phase of the dermis.


It's so fun to see the before and after photos, each week as the skin tightens before your eyes. 

If you would like to try this awesome treatment option, here are my personal recommendations to ensure you get the best experience possible:

First of all, consult is key. Preparing you for this treatment in the right way is just as important as preparing for any other treatment that will have some downtime. 

Here are four things to consider, when preparing for your Fibroblasting treatment:

  1. Protect your skin from the sun 3 weeks prior to and after the treatment
  2. Discuss health history with your provider - there are important factors that may change when and how your treatment will take place.
  3. The approximate downtime is 7 days. You will have visible microdots on your face. These will eventually fall off between days 5-7.  Do NOT pick or scratch at them.
  4. The area treated will need to remain as dry as possible - so no sauna, no facials, etc.

The best news is this lasts 5-7 years when taking great care of your skin and using Sunscreen with Zinc & Titanium in it. Fibroblasting derails the aging process and allows your skin to tighten and lift to its previous form. 

The most exciting thing about this for me is that I get to treat areas that I am unable to resolve long term using Botox and lasers. An example of this is the tear troughs of the eyes. Although Botox is technically liquid gold in a bottle, it has its limits when it comes to treating the fine lines underneath the eyes. Jowling and jawlines are other fascinating places to see the lower third of the face tighten and provide a sharp youthful structure to the face. 

So who wants to derail that aging process and look rejuvenated and rested at the same time? 

Have a wonderful day!


P.s.: In the little video above, you can see one of the latest & most advanced Fibroblasting tools, the Plasma Pen. If you have any questions about that, please contact me here: [email protected]



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