Beginners Guide To Botox - Free Workshop!

Will Botox Make You Look Fake Or Plastic?

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2021
InHer Beauty Aesthetics
Will Botox Make You Look Fake Or Plastic?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions I hear and I love answering it as it doesn't only create clarity but also busts a couple of myths and misconceptions at the same time.

These myths are mostly present because Hollywood has taken the opportunity to exaggerate the effects of "botox" and this is an ongoing input we are all bombarded with. 

Added to that there is a whole media hype where Reality TV has provided some of their stars the opportunity to inflate more than usual, and it obviously draws a lot more attention than the natural looks achieved with Botox. Would you agree that these distorted levels of augmentation allow a novice client to strike some fears?

The combined effects of the media empires bring fears to women and men throughout the world. 

So let's shed the light of clarity into these dark corners of myths and inflated misconceptions, shall we?

1. Botox can not make a person look plastic. Not exactly but bad skin and nonmovement can. It's true that it's up to your provider on how to ensure that you get the right dosing in the right areas, but the botox alone can not make you look plastic. 

2. Healthy glowing skin is a wonderful compliment to Neurotoxin injections, which should always be a prioirty and work hand in hand with injectables. Your healthy skin will set the tone (literally) when it comes to acheiving a natural and rejuvenated look.

3. A tiny bit of botox in the wrong muscle vs. a double dose in the right muscle can provide an unwanted effect. The key is to establish a great injector that will sit with you and transform those fears into confidence in dosing and optimal results. 

All in all, here is my best advice for the day: instead of choosing to be paralyzed by fear, please allow yourself the opportunity to find a safe provider that has a history of providing safe and natural-looking results. 

Stay tuned for details on the Fears of Fillers next week, and check out my client course, Aging Gracefully With Aesthetics - it can help you to be prepared for every single Aesthetic choice of yours in the decades to come

 Have a wonderful day!

P.s.: I will teach my Beginner's Guide To Botox webinar LIVE in my free Facebook Community on April 10th at 9 am PST 12 pm EST! Come and join us here: Beginners Guide to Botox Community.

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