Beginners Guide To Botox - Free Workshop!

The Biggest Lesson I learned as a Woman who is seeking Anti-aging Solutions

Uncategorized May 28, 2021
InHer Beauty Aesthetics
The Biggest Lesson I learned as a Woman who is seeking Anti-aging Solutions
As an Aesthetics professional of a decade and a half, I have had the chance to meet over a thousand women seeking anti-aging treatments. My experiences helped me to shape and form the biggest lesson I personally learned as a woman who is seeking anti-aging solutions myself and a professional who helps others find theirs. Are you ready?

It really isn't about anti-aging. It's about looking rested and rejuvenated.

 As far as my experience goes, eventually, none of us is actually trying to look younger, we just want to look our best for our age.  And looking our best does not just mean sitting in a chair and have a few units of Botox injected.  

It means taking an overall approach as to what can be done with your skin to prevent the next stage of aging from happening.

 I know what you are thinking, "but I need the wrinkles gone now." Instant gratification is important, however, you need to look at the overall approach to having healthy skin to compliment the Injectables that you have injected. 

The best compliment to Botox & fillers is good skin. Sure you may have a face that does not move or filled in the right place, but if you don't take care of your skin, it all looks awkward. 

Let's look at some facts here, shall we? There are 3 types of volume loss within the face within time. There is muscle loss, a decrease in bone density, and a decrease in skin laxity.  Things start caving, wrinkling, and sagging which leads to a harsh reality that something needs to be done. 

The important thing is to take baby steps and approach it in a way that is designed to help you look your best. 

 So when people say that Botox is liquid gold, it true. However, it is not the fountain of youth.  And most women are not looking for the fountain of youth. They just want to look the most rested and rejuvenated in the room. (Especially if it is class reunion time, right?)

Aging Gracefully means accepting the age you are in but having all the tools and knowledge to get you there.

 Knowing facts on how certain parts of your diet help with the health of your skin, knowing when to get lasers and protect your investment, having just the right amount of Botox and fillers without looking like you had botox and fillers. We are all individuals who need to fine-tune and take aging at our own pace. Having all the tools and knowledge allows you to do this. 
If you would like to enable yourself with all the tools you need to age gracefully in the decades to come, click here!

Have a wonderful day!


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