Beginners Guide To Botox - Free Workshop!

How Much Filler Should I Get?

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2021
InHer Beauty Aesthetics
How Much Filler Should I Get?

As I promised you in last week's blog post about Botox, this week we will create clarity around Fillers, addressing fears and myths that aren't serving any of us. As a starter, here are some questions I would like to ask you:

Do you find yourself scared to take the leap and get filler injections?  Do you ever think, you may be quoted too much filler needed to obtain a naturally restored look? 

Here is the thing. Fillers can be wonderful tools to achieve a natural and youthful look, no matter the age, gender, or skin type.

It is time to address confusion and hesitations to ensure that you get the right type and right amount of fillers - and pay no more than you should, right?
So let me provide you with some useful info you need to make the best choices for yourself.
One syringe is 1ml of filler. That is 1/5th of a teaspoon of volume. OR 1 average size Blueberry. 

A rule of thumb for fillers is 1 SYRINGE FOR EACH DECADE OF LIFE.

So for example, If you are 40 years old, typically your face will need approx 4 syringes of filler. Areas that can be addressed are cheeks, nasolabial folds (smile lines), oral commissures, and lips.  

Note: some additional fillers may be needed when there is increased sun damages, weight loss, or a request for facial contouring. 

Not all fillers are created equal.

Many companies have variable fillers that are made differently with differences in their density and firmness. Your provider will provide you with a quote as to how much filler you will need. You should however relay the optimal result you are looking for. 

Follow-ups should be done 2 weeks after the initial treatment to assess if additional syringes are needed.


If you find this information useful, you are going to LOVE the daily guidance I give in my FREE Facebook Community.

Have a wonderful day!



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